IHS Certifications

Board Certification in Hormone Therapy

The Board Certification in Hormone Therapy is a unique, internationally recognized, evidence-based, official certification for physicians. The final examination can be taken online and is available in English, Spanish and, Portuguese.

This exam offers excellent theoretical training to help physicians enhance their skills and expertise in diagnosing, treating, and managing the 12 most frequent and significant hormone deficiencies, including:

  • Medical history: Understanding the onset of hormone deficiencies through patient history.
  • Anamnesis: Recognizing psychological, somatic symptoms, and physical signs of hormone imbalances and excesses.
  • Laboratory tests: The tests to do with designation of the most useful ones (including for each lab tests deficient, optimal and reference values expressed in all the various units used in your laboratory such as mg, µg, or nmol)
  • Diseases: The diseases facilitated by these hormone deficiencies
  • Hormone treatments:
    • The hormone supplements to treat these deficiencies: doses, various types, and routes of administration with designation of the most efficient ones
    • How to start the treatment and adapt the treatment
    • Indications, contraindications, safety tips
    • How to improve the hormone levels without hormone supplements: with information on diet, nutrients, lifestyle, etc.
  • Follow-up:
    • Which tests to do in the follow-up and how to interpret them
    • How to solve all the treatment problems patients may experience during treatment
  • Applications of treatment of disease typical to men and women: The hormone and nutritional treatments of prostate hypertrophy, breast cysts, endometriosis, etc.
  • Evidence-based: An extensive review of the scientific literature on hormone therapies, including on the hot topics on hormone therapy, which strongly support physicians in applying these therapies in their practice

The hormone therapies that are evaluated are the following: melatonin, growth hormone, vasopressin, oxytocin, thyroid, IGF-1, cortisol and glucocorticoids, DHEA and androstenedione, pregnenolone, aldosterone, insulin, estrogen and progesterone in women, testosterone in women and men.

Physicians of all medical disciplines who want to certify their skills in hormone therapy. Other health professionals may apply (depending on their area of expertise) upon acceptance from the scientific committee. Kindly provide a CV and an explanation of your approach for approval.

  1. The Hormone Handbook, 2nd edition
  2. The Atlas of Endocrinology for Hormone Therapy

Note: Only 12 of the 18 hormone deficiencies and their therapies need to be studied for the examination.

The final examination is a question-and-answer questionnaire, which can be taken online, whenever you wish. The maximum time to complete the examination is 2h30 and the exam is composed of 200 questions. 

Once you have paid for the examinations, you can take the examination at your best convenience.

A minimum score of 60% is required to successfully pass the examination.

  • Experienced physicians: 70-140 hours
  • Inexperienced: 100-200 hours

570€ for the learning material + 1500€ for the examination fee

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