IHS Certifications

Essential Hormone Therapy Training Program

Excellent to learn the basic scientific information and practical know-how in 15 hormone therapies. Get specific information on how to start your hormone therapy consultation, optimize hormone levels, treat with more than 15 hormones, cure and prevent diseases, etc.

Physicians of all medical disciplines who want to certify their improving skills in hormone therapy. Other health professionals may apply (depending on their area of expertise) upon acceptance from the scientific committee. Kindly provide a CV and an explanation of your approach for approval.

All information necessary to successfully pass the exam is in the following 8 online video courses:

  1. Hormone Therapy Consultation: Basics
  2. Hormone Level and Therapy Optimization
  3. Endocrine disorders: Nutritional Therapies
  4. Endocrine System Pollutants
  5. 15 Major Hormone Therapies
  6. Thymus Hormone and Extract Therapies
  7. Bone Hormone Therapies
  8. ACTH and MSH Therapies

The final examination is a question-and-answer questionnaire, which can be taken online, whenever you wish. The maximum time to complete the examination is 2h30 and the exam is composed of 128 questions. A minimum score of 60% is required to successfully pass the examination.

2700€ for the learning material + 500€ for the examination fee

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